& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

My July discoveries were majorly cheap (or even FREE) and majorly about daily pampering. There two things don’t tend to go hand in hand (Am I the only one who sometimes reads a blog post of how to treat yourself and ends up feeling like I need roughly $200 of products?) so I am thrilled. […]

Favorite Things

My Favorite Things I’ve Discovered in July.

The last few times I’ve mentioned Jack, it’s been in reference to his stomach virus week. In keeping with the focusing on the good (even though it’s all good when it comes to him), I wanted to talk about the happier parts. My favorite things about being a mom right now.  He currently waves goodbye […]

Mom Life

Favorite Things About Being a Mom This Week.

Gooood morning + happy Monday! I had every intention of scheduling blogs to go live during my trip to D.C., but Jack was sick all week. I don’t know if you’ve ever been around a toddler with a stomach virus, but it’s very, very time consuming (and also very messy, but we don’t have to […]


Coming in Live on a Monday.

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