& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

HAPPY OCTOBER! It is officially the start to my favorite three months EVER.  The most wonderful time of the year starts today, y’all.  I’m pretty happy about it. The first day of a new month always holds so much potential and leaves me drawing up a to-do list and creating new goals.  Today is no […]


Being Intentional.

Can we even believe it’s August already?! I loved every second of summertime, but I’m excited for August.  For me, August marks the beginning of the beginning of fall, the most wonderful season of all!  {I know that’s stretching it, but what else are we going to celebrate in August?} If you’ve been around my […]


Dreams and such.

Congrats to Eliza E. who won the giveaway!  You are never too young you are never too old to set a goal for your life to make that your dream and to chase it relentlessly. That passion that you feel when you think of what you want to accomplish with your life? Savor it. Grab […]


Chase it.

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