& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

I was reminiscing this week about the first year Christopher and I were married. We lived in a two bedroom apartment, which, in comparison to the studio we’ve been living in, seems huge. We used the second bedroom as an office and both had desks in there. His was clean and organized and professional, mine […]


Chase it Anyway.

What is your dream?  Really, what is it? If someone asked you to describe your dream life, what would you tell them? I love talking about dreams. I love dreaming. I love saying to dream big and chase your dreams no matter what. Lately, with so much transition happening, it’s made me think more about […]


What’s Your Dream? And When is it Enough?

I have this shirt that I snagged out of my dad’s giveaway pile when I was thirteen. It says, “feel free to change the world.” I’m not sure where it came from–a conference or a concert, maybe. Either way, I still have it. I’ve always loved wearing it–it’s over a decade old and it’s perfectly soft […]


Feel Free to Change the World.

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