& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

I turned 28 on Tuesday, and what a weird time to be starting a new year of life. I had the best day. I stayed in my pajamas all day, read books, drank coffee, and online shopped. Had we not been trapped in the house for four weeks, it’s probably what my little introverted heart […]

What I'm Learning

Some Quarantine Birthday Thoughts.

At the beginning of the year, I decided a fun way to capture memories would be to roundup the bright spots at the end of each month. What a weird time to be typing out a list of bright spots.   I am normally the very definition of an eternal optimist, always looking for the good. […]

What I'm Learning

Bright Spots: March 2020.

If you follow me on instagram, you saw this caption yesterday morning: “This weekend was a doozy. I got food poisoning from my favorite sushi restaurant (WHAT A BETRAYAL) and spent all of saturday in bed. but yesterday, I had the best day with jack. we watched cheesy Christmas movies, decorated Christmas cookies, and stayed […]

What I'm Learning

Finding Ways to be Thankful for a Year That Hurt Me.

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