& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

February is a short month, but the last 23 days have felt pretty long to me. Probably because of how much change was squeezed into those 23 days. February has been a month full of new normals, adjusting, changes, and lots of learning. So far, February has taught me… That getting out of the house […]

What I'm Learning

What February Taught Me.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon on the rooftop, hanging out with Jack. We pulled some seats close to each other, wrapped Jack up in a blanket, and just soaked up the warmer weather. And it felt so, so important. We weren’t doing anything that any to-do list would have classified as important. We weren’t discussing […]

What I'm Learning

How Do You Measure What’s Really Important?

This year will fly by. Whether you stop to take it in or not, whether you choose to be thankful for it or not, whether you live each day to the fullest or not. There are 365 days in 2016 (21 of which have already come and gone) that are going to pass, whether you […]

What I'm Learning

It’s Going to Fly By.

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