Hi, I'm Chelsea! I’m on a mission to help you find joy and goodness in every day.
On this blog we talk about the big things (like chasing dreams) and the small things (like what books we're reading) because happiness comes in all sizes.
Raise your hand if you online shopped more in 2020 than maybe the rest of your life combined (You can’t see me, but both of my hands are raised). These are my favorite things that made their way from my phone to my home: Silicone face scrubbers: I think I like these so much because […]
This is typically one of my favorite weeks of the year. Basking in the glow of Christmas, reflecting on the year that’s coming to a close, looking forward to a new year with anticipation and goals. I order planners and set audacious goals and run full force into the new chapter. I look back on […]
Ice roller. When I say I recommend this to everyone I know, it’s not an exaggeration. I feel like anything I use every day of my life is a solid recommendation. If you get this gift for someone, just know that every day they wake up with a headache or a puffy face, they’ll be thankful […]