& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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You have twenty days left in September. The only September 2014 there will ever, ever be. How will you spend them? I’ve got some suggestions. 1. Go for a walk. Enjoy the last bit of summertime weather. 2. Break out some pumpkin decorations. You know you want to. 3. Watch Elizabethtown. It’s on Netflix instant-watch […]


Spending Your September: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through This Month.

I can totally save money by buying these off-brand razors. Only a dollar? Great. My skin will definitely adapt.  Sleeping with my hair in a bun won’t be an issue at all when I wake up tomorrow.  I’ll just have a kale salad for dinner. No dressing. Kale has superpowers and will fill me up […]


10 Lies that Every Girl, Ever, Tells Herself.

I am an incredibly messy person in most areas of life, but I love organization. I love planners and printables, and I live and die by to-do lists. For whatever reason, fall always makes me feel super creative and motivated and I want to organize and plan all of the things, ever. My happy place is […]


big dreams & big lists & big plans: printable to-do lists.

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