& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

To the friends you thought would be in your life forever, but aren’t. These suck, I know they do. I had the honor of graduating with one of the closest friends I’d ever had in my life. I’d met her because of a group project and become so close with her, that I asked her […]


An Ode to Friendships.

Life is made up of lots of different seasons we travel through. As our seasons change, what true friendship looks like changes. Some seasons call for space, some seasons call for an almost-roommate of a friend. Some seasons need extra support, some seasons need more lightheartedness. Some seasons need spontaneity, some need stability.  I am […]


What True Friendship Looks Like Right Now.

A year ago, I met up with one of my college besties (Sam!) for dinner. We’d been so close in college, but life had taken us different ways. A lot had changed since we’d last hung out (I’d had a baby, for one), and we were both nervous that we wouldn’t be close anymore, or […]


Because That’s What Friends Do.

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