& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

It’s so important to stop and remember the good. I desperately wanted to stay in Florida. I so badly wanted to be able to buy a house. I craved a backyard, a pool, a safe neighborhood where I could take Jack for walks in his cute little tricycle…and I got every single one of those things.  I enjoy those things […]

What I'm Learning

What February Taught Me.

Lipstick here (affiliate link, full disclosure here) That you should celebrate how strong you are becoming. I think we are very good at celebrating big accomplishments and not so good at celebrating small, slow changes. Some things I can do now that I couldn’t do six months ago: Go grocery shopping alone with Jack without having […]

What I'm Learning

What January Taught Me.

Welcome back to real life, friends! I hope you all had the merriest Christmas ever and that your post-Christmas blues aren’t too painful. Not to rub it in your face, but this picture is from yesterday. I spent the day after Christmas in an 85-degree paradise by the pool. If there’s one way to fix […]

What I'm Learning

What December Taught Me.

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