Hi, I'm Chelsea! I’m on a mission to help you find joy and goodness in every day.
On this blog we talk about the big things (like chasing dreams) and the small things (like what books we're reading) because happiness comes in all sizes.
A little peek at real life in July, courtesy of my iphone, through pictures that didn’t quite make it into any other blog posts… The progression of trying to take a picture with Jack while I’m holding him. Sometimes we end up with a good one, sometimes we don’t, all times I lose a handful […]
Two months of being homeowners (SO ADULT) and it still feels like a dream. Sure, in this dream we are also exhausted and overworked (Chris, not me) and have a teething baby, but STILL. We have a house. LIVING THE DREAM. I still get all teary-eyed when I think back to the weeks leading up […]
We left off with me riding the epidural high-those magic pain-free moments after hours of pain. Magic, I tell you. My parents came by and my dad remarked that it was so nice to see me so calm and relaxed. I think what me meant was knowing you, I’m shocked that you’re not a terrified […]