& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

It’s no secret that I talk about gratitude a lot. I truly believe a little bit thankfulness can completely change your attitude.  This year, I’ve really been focusing on being thankful for the little things. And not just being thankful for them, but really calling them out and talking about them. Reason being, we complain […]


Big Little Things.

Jack, Life with you is so slow and so fast. How are you almost three, how has that time passed so quickly? But how have you only been around for such a short time? How has time gone so slow that I feel like I’ve had you for always? How is it already your third […]


Letters to Jack: Your Third Fall.

I always write, “If we were having coffee right now…” But, I am having coffee right now. And, I’m assuming that if you’re sitting at your computer reading this, there’s a 50/50 chance you are also having coffee right now. So basically, we really are having coffee together. Isn’t the internet just so weird and […]

Coffee Dates

November Coffee Date.

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