& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

k. white photography We live in an age of following your dreams. Self-help books, podcasts and blog posts about chasing after what you want are not in short supply.  Personally, I love it. I love the era we’re in of you can do anything and no dream too big and look how far she came […]


On Big Dreams + Small Dreams + In-Between Dreams + YOUR Dreams.

Happy Monday! I woke up today feeling super motivated to get things done and make some progress on some goals I’ve been working on. What about you? Feeling inspired to do all the things, or feeling sluggish and already irritated at Monday? Either way, chug yourself some coffee and make it work! And while you’re […]

Coffee Dates

A Little September Coffee Date

“Sometimes you’re the dog, sometimes the tree.” That’s Cam Eubanks’ instagram bio and I laugh every time I see it, and every time I read it, it reminds me of parenthood.  Let me paint you a picture of my Saturday.  On my way to meet my friend Sam at the mall, Jack passed our hard. This […]


Sometimes You’re The Dog, Sometimes You’re The Tree.

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