Lies Everyone Tells Themselves.

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  1. These are great! Especially the one about the staying up for two more episodes… or "I'll just read one more chapter and then go to bed. I'll put the book down then." Nope.

  2. BLovedBoston says:

    The shoes one is so true!! Never fails that I get blisters! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  3. Stang&Co says:

    Oh too funny! Especially the coffee ones, Because let's be real, coffee basically runs the world πŸ˜‰

  4. Crisp Snaps says:

    My goodness these are too true. Especially the shoes and two more episodes!

  5. Jessie M says:

    Haha too true. Especially the 2 more episodes & the 2 push-ups. Except I did 10 last night. So I'm basically off the hook until June. πŸ˜‰

  6. Meghan says:

    It really is a public service that I don't quit my coffee habit..

  7. Hilarious and so true! I do the 2 more episodes all the time and the 2 push ups.
    Beautifully Candid

  8. Jenn says:

    bahahaha i love the whole foods one. I always do that..If I spend all this money at the grocery store on ONLY healthy stuff..I will definitely be forced to eat it and i'll get skinny so fast. nope..never works.

  9. Ahahaha this is fabulous! ESPECIALLY the coffee one because uh hello, it's my lifeline.

  10. Haha very cute, especially the Whole Foods one!!

  11. These are so spot on! Especially only watching two more episodes of whatever show. I'm SO guilty of that.

  12. Lol!!!! This had me cracking up!!!

  13. Those gifs are perfect.So many of these apply to me- haha! That push up one is always what I think when I finish working out. Hahaha!

  14. Lol love this! So true, especially dropping a lot of money on things that will definitely make me ____." Never happens!

  15. Evelina says:

    Soooo many of these have come out of my mouth! Esp staying up late for episodes and my feet not hurting. Haha! I love the gifs!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  16. Basically every pair of pretty shoes I own is also a torture device, but I continue to remain in denial. Wine helps numb the pain!

  17. haha love this! I pulled the whole 2 more episodes last night – totally regret it now. -xx Leah || Chasing Texas

  18. hahaha especially to the 2 more episodes thing, I usually just end up falling asleep if I try that!!

  19. Rebecca O says:

    Haha these are spot on – last year I was all about getting the trendy, expensive planner because it was SO gonna help me get more organized! It did – for about one month. The rest of it is pretty much empty.

  20. Oh, the memory one! It's gotten so much worse now that I'm pregnant!

  21. Ashley says:

    The two more episodes one…totally me!

  22. Haha, yes to the shoes! On one of our first dates to the freshmen formal, I wore four-inch heels, and Chris had to carry me home!

  23. Emily says:

    hahaha yessss!!! all of it. I bought chucks for my best friend's wedding reception 3 month in advance to break them in. Made that mistake more than once.

  24. Kait says:

    Okay these are awesome and this post was exactly what I needed for a little mid-morning laugh πŸ™‚ Hope you're doing well, friend!

  25. Hahaha I so can relate to the shoes one. Every. single. time.

  26. HAHAH Yep to all of these.

  27. ahahah the whole foods one– so true. though it's more like if I spend all this money surely I won't let the food go bad before I eat it.

  28. Megan says:

    Ah, these are all SO true! Especially quitting coffee cold turkey & remembering important things. And, the shoe thing happened to me just this past weekend which took the next few days to recover from!

  29. Yesssss to all of these, especially quitting coffee and shoes at an all night event! Without fail every time πŸ˜›
    Green Fashionista

  30. Kenzie Smith says:

    Oh my gosh yes, yes, and yes! These are so darn true! My biggest lie is "I'll do it tomorrow".

  31. LOL, gosh dangit – all so very true!!! hahaha. ESPECIALLY the whole foods one and the TV show one. I will watch shows until the wee hours under the lie that I'll be fine in the AM… ugh!

  32. M says:

    SO TRUE :') Thanks for all the 'nope's. You're really putting me back on track.

    The Life of Little Me

  33. Myra says:

    I'm dying…hilarious!! I go through almost all of these way more often than I'd like to admit πŸ™‚

  34. Hahahaha! This was so funny!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ LOVED this post!!!

  35. bahahahahaha the last one is fabulous.

  36. Yes to all of these! This is an awesome post Chelsea!

    More that come to mind, "I'll just have one cup of coffee this morning," or, "I'll totally remember that blog post idea later." :)))

  37. Emily Green says:

    This is absolutely just precious!! I can wholeheartedly agree with ALL of them:)!

  38. Emily Green says:

    This is absolutely just precious!! I can wholeheartedly agree with ALL of them:)!

  39. This was a good laugh!!! "I'll wake up earlier if I go to bed earlier" "It's banana bread, it's healthy because it has fruit in it!" "it's on sale, I'm saving money!"

  40. Katie C says:

    HAHA The planner and the Whole Foods ones! I've been guilty of the planner one so many times. Can't help it! And I was at Trader Joe's once and overheard a lady pull up a container of chocolate covered something or other and declared "these are so good because they're healthy and all-natural! I can eat them all!". HA! Chocolate covered anything, wherever it's from, is still chocolate-covered something πŸ˜‰

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  41. Lindsay says:


  42. Courtney says:


  43. Rachel Gault says:

    This is too funny. Yes to all of these!!

  44. Oh my gosh, this is hilarious because they're all so true! πŸ™‚

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