& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

Jack, Happy one month of being alive, little guy! You’ve had quite the month-you’ve gone from not even being born yet to the hospital to your new house…you’ve met so many people and learned so many new things. You’ve become so much more alert and started following people with your eyes, really being able to […]


Letters to Jack || O N E M O N T H

My Favorite Things I Discovered in August.

via Megan Elizabeth Photography A month ago, my life changed drastically when Jack joined the party. Side note: Time is so weird. I kind of feel like I was just in the hospital with him yesterday, but I also feel like he’s been hanging out with us forever. All that time I spent teaching myself to savor every […]


Things I’m Getting Good at.

photo via Megan Elizabeth Photography I’m feeling pretty rich lately. Not the money kind of rich (although, wouldn’t that be nice?) but the true kind of rich. The kind that has nothing to do with your bank account and everything to do with your life. The kind that doesn’t go away when you spend it. For […]


I’m Feeling Rich.

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