& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

Hey girl. Congratulations on being almost 6-months sober! No, you didn’t become an alcoholic. You’re having a baby! I know, I know. Not the plan, right? But listen, just because you’re actively trying to not have a baby does not mean that you’re not supposed to have one. Hear me out. Right now, you’re in […]


Dear Pre-Pregnant Me.

Every single morning, Gatsby snuggles on my stomach while I drink coffee. He’s already BFF with the baby.  And just like that, it’s the middle of October. Which just so happens to mean that this baby is 27 weeks along. Which just so happens to mean there are only 13 weeks left until he gets here.  […]


27 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

sometimes when a perfect season is coming to an end,  it’s hard to feel excited  when you can’t see around the bend.  and so you try to cling to  the quickly fading light,  and hold on tightly to the past, afraid to see the night.  but though you feel the sun is setting, know you’ve […]


just write: the brightest stars.

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