Why I’m Starting NaNoWriMo in October & I Think You Should, Too.

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  1. Kay R. says:

    Thats an awesome idea!! I think I may start in October as well!

  2. I've always considered NaNoWriMo but never done it….maybe this year is the year for me. Either way, good luck with your goal! Crush it!!

  3. OMG yes yes yes. needed to hear this today. YES

  4. Cece says:

    I've always considered it too, but haven't done it. Last year I was knee deep in novel edits and I couldn't wrap my head around starting anything new. We shall see!!

  5. Huge good luck for Nano – I have tried this twice and never managed to complete it. If I get my TBR pile down before the end of October I am considering it again for this year. x

  6. What an awesome idea – you've got this gurlie <3

    Green Fashionista

  7. Yes! I want to join on October 1st with you, 820 words a day is not nearly as intimidating!

  8. That's a great idea to get the best of both worlds. No so much stress but you still get to write. I've never participated in NaNoWriMo but doing it this way maybe a great introduction into it. Especially with this being my last semester of my Master's, I think I'll need the extra time. Count me in!

  9. LV says:

    What a great idea and a good way to stay accountable. I have never heard of Nanowrimo before, but I might need to look into it.

  10. Erin LFF says:

    Yay!! I like this idea a lot and it definitely makes sense for you to start in October. I've tried Nanowrimo 2x in the past and while I've failed both times, I still wrote BIG chunks of something I was passionate about. I still consider that a win šŸ™‚

  11. Anonymous says:

    I have always thought about participating because I really love writing and have thought of writing a book someday, but I just never thought I'd succeed so haven't done it. I actually love this idea, nice way to try it out since I've always wanted to, without the pressure.

  12. I remember you talking about this a year ago and feeling overwhelmed then by it hahaha, I'd love to do it. I enjoy writing, but it just seems so daunting. Excited to see how your experience goes!

  13. Emily Green says:

    I'm using NaNoWriMo with a student! I teach the gifted students, and she is so very excited! I didn't know it existed until I looked into options for her. The idea of a whole novel scares me, but that's definitely something I'm interested in for down the road!

  14. Great idea! I wrote the first 2/3 of my first novel in NaNoWriMo. I'm thinking of doing my own writing challenge in between semesters – participating in NaNoWriMo while working part time, being a grad student, and living with a chronic illness just isn't going to work right now. Good luck with your writing journey!

  15. I've never done it. I've always been interested but have just not started. I should.

  16. Every October I attempt to start NaNoWriMo and get about 10,000 words in before I get sidetracked, busy, or burnt out. I'm gonna try it again this year and hopefully I'll be able to root you and other bloggers on (while helping motivate myself too haha.)

  17. ohhh you are convincing me i should! although i want to work on a non-fiction book right now so i'll need to do some investigating!

  18. Jen Weaver says:

    What a great idea! I've been meaning to get some hard-core writing done, and doing it with a group of other writers may just be the motivation I need. Thanks!

  19. Crystal says:

    This is a great idea! I should probably do this too.

  20. I am planning on doing nano, but in the hopes to finish my novel…. i'm 15k words in now and am ready to crank out the rest! I am getting a puppy next week (!!) so maybe your idea of just starting to write now is one i'll have to do! Getting in the mindset of writing daily is my struggle. thanks for the inspiration, and congrats on the soon-to-be-here little one

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