& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

I’m deaf from all the words that you never even said,  hoarse from all the screaming  that only happened in my head.  my hands ache from all the punches  from the fights that never were,  my brain hurts from overthinking answers to questions I never heard.  these bruises make it pretty clear it’s time to […]


just write: never said hello.

1. Play mini golf. 2. Call in sick and go to the beach. Or the pool, or a park. 3. Make your summer reading list. I’ve got some suggestions. 4. Go for a walk and take pictures of things in your neighborhood. Sometimes when you see something every day, you can forget how beautiful it is. […]


Spending May: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.

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