& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

Oh, that’s right…nothing. But we’re sure ranting about it like it’s of the same importance, aren’t we? Does it bother me that really young girls can easily read this before they’ve even had a chance to learn about what good sex really is? Sure. But that’s just the world we live in, like it or […]


What do 50 Shades of Grey and Starving Children Have in Common?

always chasing after something,  even when we’re not sure what it is. we chase down every possibility,  because we hate the words, “what if?” we don’t have too much money, but we don’t really mind.  we’d rather pay our dues  with our heartbeats and our time.  because we know there are things that money cannot […]


just write: heartbeats and time.

I’ve been reminding myself lately, this is life. This is it–the good and the awful and the boring and the magical–this is it. We can talk all we want about hustling and planning and dreaming and scheming (all things I talk about and love and do very often), but none of that actually matters if we’re not […]


This is Life. This is it.

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