& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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If there’s ever a time that makes me over the top happy to be alive, it’s Christmas time.  1. The Macy’s Day Parade at Universal. This is tradition, and whatever day we do this on ends up being one of my favorite days of the year. This year was no exception. A small note about […]


Happy to be Alive, Because: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

Sometimes, Christmas sneaks up on you. And that can either leave you feeling panicky over all you have to do, or leave you super bummed and feeling like you missed out on the holidays. Maybe you had plans to make homemade Christmas decorations, or throw a super sequined Christmas party, or something else to ensure […]


Fitting Christmas into One Week.

Dear you, I hope that this Christmas is one of your best yet. I hope that you spend this next week surrounded by people who love you fiercely. If you can’t, I hope that memories of those people hug you tightly this week. I hope that you take time to remember what this season is […]


A Christmas Letter to You.

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