11 Quotes That Will Make You Want to Spend All Day Reading

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  1. Looove the Thomas Wharton quote! I've got about a dozen books on my "to-read" list, but I can't decide which one to pick up next!

  2. Laurie Olsen says:

    Excellent group of quotes!

  3. P!nky says:

    Sigh, I just love reading. It's a whole new world, in a book.

  4. Kay says:

    Oh, I just love reading! I'm about to start John Green's Paper Towns. Have you read it? It's been on my list for forever and I decided last week to start just going straight from my list and work through some of the books!

  5. Kristen says:

    my favourite is the simple 'there is no enjoyment like reading!' jane austen šŸ™‚
    i love that one about calling up the author like they were a friend. so true!

  6. oh girl. i don't need quotes to make me want to curl up right now with a book and be taken away! šŸ™‚

  7. I love all of these. I've been that John Green one many times.

  8. Great group of quotes! I just finished reading Orphan Train, learned a lot about a period of history that I never knew about.

  9. Claire C. says:

    I love these, very cute quotes! Reading is the best!

  10. I'm a huge reader! I just finished This is Where I Leave You and I'm trying to finish Wild. It's a tough one to get through. I write lots of reviews on my blog and on goodreads!

  11. Kaeleen says:

    Love this! I always find it ironic that John Green said that first quote {In The Fault In Our Stars} because that's what TFIOS is to me. šŸ™‚ I'm reading Where She Went, the sequel to If I Stay right now and the feels are so real. lol

  12. These quotes are so beautiful! I just finished reading This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper. So dang good.

  13. These are all so beautifully true! I love getting lost in a plot and characters. Even if I don't have a ton of time to read physical books, I always have an audiobook ready for on the go!

  14. Tami says:

    I haven't read a good fiction book in a long time! Any suggestions? Right now I'm all about the motivational reading. 'Power of Positive Thinking' and all that šŸ™‚

  15. I love books, although I'm not spending nearly enough time reading right now. I'm working my way through the Game of Thrones series and it's taking forever.

  16. BTW, I LOVE your new blog design!

  17. I wish I had more time to read!

  18. I absolutely love all those quotes… a little secret, I actually spent all day reading yesterday!! I finished a Francine River's book and already started The Invention of Wings by Sure Monk Kidd. Bring on the rain and cooler weather! I'm ready to curl up with some good books!

  19. Oh these are fantastic (I especially like the Salinger quote). An afternoon spent reading a good book with a warm cup of coffee is the ultimate luxury!

  20. I love these quotes so much! And beautifulblig design, too šŸ™‚

  21. OK girl I can't even with your new blog design. It's amazeballs!

  22. Such a beautiful collection of quotes. Definitely makes me want to bury my nose in a cozy book. Fabulous post, love. If you get a moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. šŸ™‚ xx


  23. Brittany says:

    Reading is simply the BEST. Love the quotes. I'm in the second book of the Tales of Malstria trilogy (self-published) as an Ebook and it's been intense šŸ™‚

  24. Sigh. I love book quotes.

  25. Kate Jordan says:

    I love all of these quotes! Amazing.

  26. TheLane says:

    love this!! i'm on my last few chapters of G O N E G I R L !!
    already looking forward to my next read with the weather finally cooling off and snuggling up with a book becomes more acceptable!!

  27. That quote from Stephen King is one of my favorites! šŸ™‚ Right now, I'm reading "MWF Seeking BFF" by Rachel Bertsche about her yearlong quest to find a BFF in her new city. It's good so far!

  28. oh man girl. I am always reading like ten books at a time, it's bad.

  29. These quotes are wonderful!!! šŸ˜€


  30. Kenzie Smith says:

    I absolutely adore this post and love all of the quotes!

  31. Holly says:

    I LOVE to read and be transported into another place. It's such a refreshing escape from reality. I just finished reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Loved it. I am becoming such a huge fan of non-fiction because I love learning about people and getting lost in their personal journeys. I'm currently reading The Terrorist's Son. It's short and I read half of it at lunch today. I also have The Children Act waiting for me at home as this month's book club read {yep, I'm in a book club with my girlfriends for the past nearly five years!}

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