Happy to be Alive, Because: Pretty Dresses & Coachella.

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  1. ummmmmmm a book? so exciting!! Off to check it out!

  2. What a sweet picture your friends sent you!

    I'm excited and happy about a day off of work next month for our wedding anniversary!

  3. I'm happy because I have less than a month till my wedding!

  4. Cece says:

    Friday pretty much does it for me this week!! Finally. What a great shot of your friends with your book.

  5. 17 Perth says:

    Fancy wine sounds AH-MAZING right now. Lol. Have fun tonight. And love that pic of your friends! So sweet!

  6. All of this sounds amazing! Love getting dressed up and pretending to be sophisticated;) Also, I enjoyed that post Jordyn wrote as well, all of it was so true!

  7. Aw thank you so much for sharing my post, you are so sweet. I love the shot of your friends with your book…oh my gosh it must be so thrilling!! I hope you're having a fab weekend girl!

  8. Taylor says:

    oh my gosh – i had no idea you had a book!! THIS IS FANTASTIC, and congratulations (even if t is a little late – sorry!)

  9. You have the sweetest friends!

  10. I am happy to be alive because I have had a lazy week with my puppy. Almost ready to face work again šŸ™‚

  11. Awe, your friends are so sweet! Love great friends like that. Also, yay for pretty dresses and just because it's Friday Joy!

  12. Ashley says:

    Hope you had a fantastic get-dress-up-get-fancy dinner date with your hubby! šŸ™‚

  13. Such a cute post! Friday always does it for me too šŸ™‚


  14. Nikki says:

    Wait… you wrote a novel?!? GO You!!! That's so amazing – congratulations!!
    Nikki at http://www.bedazzlesafterdark.com

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