& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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Week nine: so stylish in your fancy pool outfit // we spent the week leading up to match day at the pool, and you loved hanging out with us…you did not love getting your feet wet // my new favorite outfit of yours. I now try my best to buy hoodies with animal ears on […]


Twelve weeks with jack: All of the pictures (weeks 9 & 10)

Week Seven: We took you to the beach…you hated the sand. And the water. And pretty much the beach in general.  You’re the cutest sleeping baby. So peaceful. You’re smiles are more and more frequent, and I just can’t get enough of them. You continue to be the silliest little dude. It’s so much fun.  […]


Eight Weeks With Jack: Weeks 7 & 8.

Week Five:   You kept flashing us sleepy little smiles. Long live your wild thing snuggle suit!  You weren’t sleeping well, so we got a bassinet that fit in bed with us, hoping it would help. It didn’t, but it made for some sweet moments like this.  Eventually you decided you liked sleeping in your rock-n-play. You […]


8 Weeks With Jack: All of the Pictures (Weeks 5 & 6).

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