& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

I’m in the middle of reading listening to Big Magic and oh my goodness you guys, it’s a must-read. I was listening to it while I was packing yesterday, and definitely cried just from the sheer fact of hearing someone so perfectly explain how I’ve felt pretty much my whole life. She talks about the relationship between […]


On Creating.

there’s power in believing the world can change because of you, but it can be overwhelming when you’re not sure what to do. and so you sit and talk about the things that break your heart, but you never try to change them because you don’t know where to start. and while the thought of […]


just write: because of you.

I think that you might know the answer to every time I’ve wondered why, because you smile like you are holding life’s great secrets deep inside. I’m desperate for some answers, grasping at any I can find. I promise if you tell me how to smile like that, I’ll lock the answer safely up inside.


just write: life’s great secrets.

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