& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

Jack,  Tomorrow you turn one. A whole year. 365 days I have known you. 365 days you have been in my life, changing me for the better, stretching me into a new person. 365 days I have loved you. 365 days I have been a mama.  I had a long, long list of fears before […]


Letters to Jack: One Year.

My sweet little love,  First things first, I can’t believe that the next time I write one of these letters, you will be an entire year old. I feel like I’ve known you forever, but man can a year go by fast.  Month ten was the most fun we’ve had yet. We had Thanksgiving, we […]


Letters to Jack: Eleven Months.

Fall has always been my favorite (okay, next to Christmas), and looking back, I have loved fall so much during each season of my life. When I lived at home, fall was always fun. I get my love of fall from my mom. She’s the Martha Stewart Beyonce of seasonal decorating. We always had the best […]


Fall with my Little Munchkin. AKA, The Season Where my Heart Explodes Daily.

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