& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

the morning feels a little cooler, the smell of pumpkin fills the air stores fill with sweaters to grace your shoulders, and hats to cover up your hair. there’s magic, and it’s coming you can feel it in the breeze. as the days in august wind down, and summer prepares to leave. no, the leaves […]


just write: there’s magic, and it’s coming.

I used to paint you pictures,  now I just paint them in my head.  I never knew our memories  would one day wind up dead. buried under sand and sea,  buried in my head.  because you walked away from me, I still don’t understand.  we had forever right in front of us,  I thought I […]


just write: forgot to say goodbye.

sunrises and sunsets, raindrops cooling down your skin. the world is full of little magic if you just stop to take it in. the stars poke holes in the darkness just to say hello to you, but you only see them through a screen, making sure everyone else will see them, too. the world fights […]


just write: so much more to show you.

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