& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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You are a success each time you choose to keep trying. || I heard John Maxwell talk about this on the Rise podcast, and he gave the example of someone celebrating graduating college. He said, “Everyone celebrates her on that day, but she didn’t just become a success when she was handed a diploma. She […]

What I'm Learning

What June Taught Me.

To worry WAY LESS about what other people think. || I really wish that one of these months this lesson would stick, but I’m a work in progress. This month, though, has shown me how little other people’s opinions actually matter. Do I hope people like me? Duh. Do I wish everyone approved of every […]

What I'm Learning

What April Taught Me.

That it’s up to me to fill my cup. || I feel like we have the tendency to run around doing everything for everyone, pouring ourselves out at our jobs, for our friends, for our family, and then wonder why we feel empty. Well, boo, it’s because you are. February really showed me how important […]

What I'm Learning

What February Taught Me.

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