& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

While I didn’t blog about it at the time (because I didn’t want to get burglarized, ya know), I spent a good portion of last fall living alone. Christopher had away rotations in other states, so it was just a very pregnant, often sick me and Gatsby holding down the fort in Orlando.  I was […]

What I'm Learning

Make the Best of Where You Are, Because Life is Pretty Amazing.

I can’t do everything. If you read my blog last month, you saw that July taught me that I can do hard things. I find it funny, then, that what I learned in August was that I can’t do everything.  I can do anything I set my mind to. I know this. I can grow my blog. […]

What I'm Learning

What August Taught Me.

I think that deep down, we’re all suckers for fresh starts. There’s a reason we throw ourselves into creating resolutions and goals when the calendar turns over at the new year. There’s a reason why we get the itch to move to a new city after going through a bad breakup. Why we think that […]

What I'm Learning

The Optimism of a New Start.

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