& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

To just freaking go. If you follow me on here or anywhere else, this one’s pretty obvious. But I did a lot of just going this month, and it was so worth it. SO WORTH IT. I wrote a full post about it here, but in summary: Life is short. If you want adventure, go […]

What I'm Learning

What July Taught Me.

Make your own freaking sunshine. I wish I meant this literally, because it’s still raining every single day here, but alas, I mean it figuratively. Sometimes, if you’re having a bad day/week/month you can just wait on circumstances to change, or you can count on someone else to make you happy. And sometimes, you can make […]

What I'm Learning

What June Taught Me.

That taking a break is good. This is the first time in a long time that I took a real break. Usually, if I go out of town or take a vacation, I “take a break” but also check in with work, wake up early to work on blogging stuff, respond to emails, etc, etc. […]

What I'm Learning

What May Taught Me.

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