& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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That going somewhere new will always shift my perspective. I can’t decide if I think that travel changes you or that it makes you more yourself. Either way, it shifts your perspective. My brother recently moved to Colorado and I visited him a few weeks ago, and let me tell you, when you’re outside, surrounded […]

What I'm Learning

What October Taught Me.

unrelated: you absolutely need this shirt. That I take entirely too many things for granted. Electricity, air conditioning, being able to fill my car up with gas anytime I want to go somewhere…the hurricane made me realize how much I miss these things when I don’t have them, which also made me realized I need to […]

What I'm Learning

What September Taught Me.

To be a good friend. I have some friends who just went above and beyond in showing me love over the last few months, and it was so needed. Not only that, but it’s really challenged me this month to actively try to be a better friend. To pick up the phone more, to not […]

What I'm Learning

What August Taught Me.

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