& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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To slow the heck down || More specifically, that it’s possible to slow down even when life is hectic. I tend to equate “slowing down” with “doing nothing” and I’m learning that doesn’t have to be the case. Even on the busiest of days, doing simple things like taking care of my face can slow things down.  […]

What I'm Learning

What July Taught Me.

To let the good moments overwhelm you. || Last Friday, Jack was with his nanny and it was the first moment I’ve had to myself in a hot minute. I had the pool completely to myself, and the water was the absolute perfect temperature. The sun was out, there was a breeze, it was just beautiful. […]

What I'm Learning

What June Taught Me.

To focus on the things that are in my control. I’m pretty sure this has been on a “what I learned this month” list before, so obviously I still have more to learn about it. But I thought a lot about it this month. I’m the kind of person who can drive myself crazy thinking […]

What I'm Learning

What May Taught Me.

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