& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

That people are good. Mostly, anyway. I think that the last few years (and maybe all of history) has proven that evil does exist, and sometimes it takes the form of people. But I want to believe that deep down, most people are good. Because as long as there are good people, things are hopeful.  […]


Things I Want to Believe in.

1. Take a look at those goals you made last month. Revise if necessary.  2. Meet a friend for lunch. Yes, this takes time. And yes, it’s totally worth it. Relationships are worth investing in. 3. Start planning a summer trip. If January’s weather has you down, start planning a summer trip. Even if it’s […]


Spending Your February: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.

Last week, my blog reached 6,000 followers on Bloglovin’. I’m not sure why it was that little milestone that gave me all the feelings, but it did. The fact that 6,000 of you are interested enough in what I write that you care to subscribe to it blows me away. I want to say thank […]


6,000 Thank Yous (Hi, I’m Chelsea).

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