& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

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Yogi Teas. I’ve been singing the praises of the honey lavender stress relief tea, but that’s just one of many Yogi teas I discovered last year. They have a tea for everything. Some of my other favorites are vanilla-spice perfect energy and the pomegranate green tea. Bonus: All of the tags on the tea bags have little sayings like fortune […]

Favorite Things

My Favorite Things I Discovered in 2016.

Whenever something is surrounded by as much hype as The Fault in Our Stars  has been, there appears a whole tribe of people who instantly become too cool for it.  Who will boycott it due to it’s immense popularity.  I’m still trying to figure out how depriving yourself of something you might really enjoy simply […]

Favorite Things

5 Reasons You Should Absolutely Go See The Fault in Our Stars

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