April is for dreamers & lovers & thinkers & doers.

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  1. Yes! Goodbye March! Helloooooo April, flowers, sunshine, and legit Spring!

  2. Becky M says:

    I am so with you on saying goodbye to this crazy weather!! Your blog is just the cutest – I am your newest follower!


  3. Miranda says:

    Happy April! Looks like it's going to be an amazing month for you! πŸ™‚ April has so much possibility!

  4. Pamela says:

    Love that quote!!

  5. Love that quote/image!!! And hope April is an amazing month for you!!!

  6. Meghan Kraft says:

    Buh-bye, March. It looks like April is going to be positively stunning πŸ™‚ Bring it on, spring.

  7. Oh I just love this. You are so full of joy and that is such a blessing! much love!!

  8. You had a dream month! I am so impressed by you! All the hard work is so wonderfully fruitful.

  9. Carly says:

    Love this post! I am definitely (hoping to) saying hello to warmer weather and more sunshine!

  10. I loved your hello and goodbyes, and yes please to days spent by the pool. And can I just say I am completely amazed you are almost finished with your own book, and haven't even turned 22 yet!? Impressive sweet girl.

  11. jackie jade says:

    seriously so awesome about your book! and i'm so excited for some hopefully warmer weather this month. this winter has been TOO long!

  12. I can't even tell you how happy I ma it is April! MArch was a special kind of hell no one should have to endure;)

  13. amydhodge says:

    Yay April!!! Can't even wait!

  14. Amanda says:

    I'm excited for a joyful spring! x

  15. Alissa says:

    Happy April! I am hoping that this month flies by but is also good!

  16. Amy Charming says:

    Chelsea, you are too adorable for words! Haha πŸ™‚
    CONGRATULATIONS for your VERY first BOOK! AH! Awesome things are coming!

    Though, I'm not going to lie, you're two years younger than me but have already written a book. I feel so unaccomplished… but oh, wait, I should be happy and not jealous πŸ˜‰ Haha. I really am, though! I am 100% jumping off the walls ecstatic for you! Let me know if I can help promote in anyway, xoxox

  17. So true… March went by SOO fast but lasted so long at the same time. I hope April is good to you πŸ™‚

  18. March always has my favorite saying. March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.
    Congrats on the book! That is so exciting!

  19. Love this, I have so many dreams for April and that quote is just perfect! It sounds like it's going to be a great month for you!

  20. Feeling very ready to be done with March. Happy April!

  21. I totally agree! March seemed to go by fast!! Hello to wonderful things! I am so excited for you!

  22. Great post πŸ™‚

  23. I like this post! And I love your blog! Followed you here and on Bloglovin as well. I hope you'd check my blog too and follow-back. πŸ™‚


  24. I just hope April will bring warmer weather… we're supposed to get snow on Friday. So not thrilled!

  25. I hope April brings warmer weather here in the midwest. I've never worn so many sweaters in spring as I have this year!

  26. Love April! Something about the fresh air, budding flowers, singing birds…it's so romantic and makes me smile every time I wake up! πŸ™‚ Happy birthday to you this month, and congrats on the book!

  27. I'm saying hello to warmer weather!! So happy that winter is over!

  28. Shoshanah says:

    I'm so excited for warmer weather too! I feel like this winter has been miserable, and am so in need to laying out in our backyard in a bathing suit with a good book. Hopefully I'm finally able to make it happen soon!

  29. Debra Carr says:

    How true is that? April for me is about Spring truly beginning, newness, creating and attending our first wedding of the year.

  30. Holly says:

    I'm excited for April, too!! I want to read your book!!

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