Totally Logical Tips for an Easy Move.

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  1. Kaysie says:

    Since I'm in the middle of this right now, basically you hit the nail on the head haha. But if you do HAVE to move, I say definitely get some help or a company, and be prepared to sleep on the floor if you beat the movers to the house

  2. Ha ha, girl, you are really funny =)

  3. Maddie Bowen says:

    Haha I agree with all of these. Luckily that view makes it worth it! And medical school requires a lot of moving.. We will begin that road very soon!

  4. Kay says:

    Okay, so I just laughed pretty hard! This is so, so the truth! Every time I move I think all of these things. Buying all new stuff would just be easiest, right?

  5. Girl Brooks says:

    What a view! I agree with an easy move – it definitely doesn't exist. Trust me from someone who has moved three times in the past year and a half – and who is moving in August, again.

  6. haha! I totally agree with all of those. LIfe would be so much better if I would just follow those rules!

  7. Kristen says:

    lol these are so true. we just bought our first house last year and hubby was talking about the future and upgrading, and i was like i dont think i can move again!! i hate it!
    but that view, wow. i'd move for that šŸ˜‰

  8. Kerri Taylor says:

    seriously. moving is straight hell. i am moving again after only 6 months and i'm quite possibly the most psycho person ever. but dream apt is calling my name

  9. Haha this was awesome. We are doing another cross country move in a couple of weeks, and I am definitely not excited about it. There are ways to make moving easier or cheaper, but it's still a very stressful process!

  10. Jess says:

    These tips are so true! Lots of people don't hire a moving company and it is SO WORTH IT! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

  11. Oh moving is my middle name. Love your new view! How fun! You are hilarious-I've wanted to change my identity many times when moving. lol I always want a whole new load of furniture etc too to match the look of the new place! We're moving in a few months and I'm excited but also hoping to hire some good help this time!!!

  12. Dearest Lou says:

    Haha! Oh my gosh.. too funny. We recently moved towards the beginning of this month and we are still a mess over here ); Will it ever end?! (;

    Dearest Lou

  13. I just counted and realized that I have moved A DOZEN TIMES. Isn't that nuts? But yes, I agree PAY SOMEONE to move. I like to do my own packing though.


  14. Ha! Too funny. That view is awesome though! Worth it.

  15. We just moved last weekend and completely agree about paying someone to help you move. We did all the packing, but not having to worry about heavy lifting made things a bit easier!

  16. Ugh moving is the WORST. Seriously next time I move I want to be drugged and I don't want to wake up till everything is DONE.

  17. Love these…or you could have all your friends come and pack, load, and clean for you by offering to buy them pizza. Sometimes, that is much easier šŸ˜‰

  18. SERIOUSLY moving is SUCH a pain, I hate even thinking about it.

  19. Danielle says:

    AHHH We moved a year ago and I'm never moving again. Except for in 2 years when my husband finishes PT school and I'm sure multiple times after that but I'm in complete denial. EXHAUSTING! And then it takes about 100 years to sort through all the crap that you should have just gotten rid of in the first place.

  20. Ember Grey. says:

    This is funny! My husband and I moved twice in a span of 7 months…. cross-country, no less. It was SO exhausting and I may or may not have cried like a 5 year old when someone (hint: it wasn't me) forgot to tape the bottom of one of the boxes, sending packing peanuts and our stuff everywhere… and this was after packing for 3 hours. Since then, we have always said- WE'LL NEVER DO THIS OURSELVES AGAIN. (Always, ALWAYS hire!)

  21. I just moved and this could not be more true

  22. Yes! I've moved too many times the past 12 years with the military and it stinks. Except they completely pack and move everything for you, so that is a bonus!

  23. Your new view is gorgeous!

  24. Haha! These are great. Do you feel like you are losing it? I know the feeling. šŸ™‚ Hang in there. It will get better.

  25. jackie jade says:

    haha so true! moving is the worst ugh. next time, we're definitely getting movers to make it less painful. hope you're surviving your move!

  26. Hayley! says:

    Hahaha these were my thoughts exactly when we made a pretty big move a month ago!

  27. Nikki says:

    Tell me about it girl – we just moved into our house after moving every year for the last TEN. I'm SO over moving!! But your new view looks totally worth it šŸ™‚
    Nikki at

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