What October Taught Me.

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  1. Audrey says:

    Worrying about what other people think & worrying in general is a choice. I struggle with that, but it’s true. When I put time and energy into finding a solution for something that’s not a problem yet I’m wasting my time and doing more damage than good. Totally working on that daily. Lol

  2. October taught me how to be more patient and live in the moment. It is also currently still teaching me to have a “one day at a time” mentality. No use worrying about tomorrow!

  3. Deanna says:

    October is teaching me that it’s okay if people dislike me. This goes hand in hand with your not worrying about what people think…I’m trying to settle with the idea that as a grown woman, standing up for myself may rub older friends the wrong way…and that’s okay. Such a lesson. Beautiful blog as usual. Love how simple & poignant they are!

  4. Anthea says:

    Overthinking is huge for me and something I actively have to work on daily. Someone can make a silly comment (sometimes deliberately and perhaps sometimes without thinking) but it can really grate on my nerves. I think before speaking so I do my best not to be blunt or unfeeling when I talk to people. It is one of those things that is not always reciprocated and I’m learning how to let go and stop caring. Takes practice of course. I have a few “happiness vampires” in my life that I need to distance myself from because if you cannot be happy for others then that is a red flag for me.

  5. nadine says:

    There is definitely always something to celebrate! I plan on doing a lot of it over the next few months!

  6. Julie Hood says:

    Thank you for the reminder that some things CAN change overnight!!!!!!! I have a list of small things I’ve been putting off, but I need to just buckle down and get them done!

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