If we were having coffee…
…I’d tell you that Jack & I had a photo session with
my sweet friend Kristen. I was so excited about it and for her to capture Jack at the stage he’s at now, but we got there and he was NOT having it. He wouldn’t smile, laugh, talk, dance, nothing. It was so unlike him and I was so bummed! BUT, she sent me over the pictures, and holy moly, I don’t know how she did it, but she got some beautiful ones. I mean, LOOK at that. I’m in love.
…I’d tell you that this summer has been full of rainy days (mostly rainy afternoons). And while I hate getting rained out of a pool day, I love how green and vibrant everything is. I also love the smell of summer rainstorms. Something about it just makes me happy.
…I’d tell you I’m becoming more and more obsessed with Poshmark. It’s really so much fun!! A hobby that pays me to thrift? Sign me up.
You can see my closet here.
…I’d tell you that next week, Sam and I are taking our annual summer bff trip. This year, we’re going to D.C. to see Taylor Swift. I could cry, I’m so excited. Two bucket list things! Tell me your must-do thing in D.C.
…I’d tell you I’m feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude lately. Things have not necessarily been very gratitude-inducing (it’s been the week of the stomach virus), but I’m feeling it nonetheless. I attribute it to keeping my perspective in check, l
ike I blogged about earlier this week. It’s wonderful to feel like this.
Your turn! Tell me what’s going on with you!