Week Forty-One:
we went to visit the park in my hometown for the first time // we got you some shoes so you could use your little zebra outside // it’s been chilly enough to wear your fuzzy pajamas out and about // we dressed you up like a pumpkin // and of course, took you the the pumpkin patch.
Week Forty-Two:
your first time flying! four flights in 24 hours, you are a champ // you didn’t know the airport wasn’t your own personal playground // you’ve nailed the “no pictures, please” look.
I’m loving our cool morning walks // your first time trick-or-treating! // Chris and Gatsby are your best friends…wherever they are, that’s where you want to be // holding your bottle with your hands is overrated.
Week Forty-Three:
We took you tailgating with your little stuffed gator // doing our civic duty and voting! // you recognize yourself in the mirror now and it’s adorable. // your fancy church outfit on the day you went to the nursery for the first time!
the morning after the election…I was so tired, you were not // I will never get tired of all these sweet smiles.
Week Forty-Four:
just two buds, trying to figure out how to escape to the backyard // your hair is getting so long and crazy and I love it so much // you’re so happy after a nap // sometimes you just bounce yourself right to sleep
The nights where you still fall asleep on me are my favorite // so cute in your big guy pjs // just reading some Aesop’s fables // you love love love to be outside.
Who knew forty-four weeks could feel so long and so short?