Things I’m Getting Good at.

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  1. #3 and #4 are such nice things to come to terms with. As a busy mom, you eventually have to be okay with the fact that incomplete tasks will happen, because other things must take priority. Also, I used to be the same way with not wanting to leave the house without makeup/hair done etc. and that definitely went out the window about 5 years ago, haha.

  2. It sounds like you are doing great as a new mama!!

  3. Dani says:

    My feelings exactly in the first month! Keep it up mama πŸ™‚

  4. That's awesome that you're becoming a pro lol! It's so crazy how fast time has flown.

  5. Haha I love number four. I think everyone should feel a little bit more like that!

  6. looooove the last point! It's SO TRUE after you have a baby.

  7. I'm so worried about my blog once our baby comes in June!! Especially because I am just like you with hating not having things done – although I know I'm going to have to just let this all go, ha! You've been doing awesome, girl!

  8. you're rocking it lady!! parenting is hard and blogging and parenting is super hard, you're juggling well! lol at the coffee, right there with ya!
    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  9. Elle Sees says:

    the last one needs to be me!!! i wish i had more of that. y'all look adorable in that pic.

  10. Yes, always choose sleep over ANYTHING else, if you can! And good for you for caring less about what others think. Having a baby to focus on def changes that but there are times I really need to work on it. I still say "Yes" way more than I want to.

  11. Can't believe it's already been a month! You seem like you're getting the hang of it and have done amazing at keeping up with blogging!

  12. I'm super impressed with you blogging post-birth! You're doing a wonderful job! Jack is so lucky to have such a talented mama! I LOVE that photo of your family up there! You guys are the cutest!

  13. Kathleen says:

    Yay! Im so glad you're adjusting ok. I still find it hard to balance work and blogging so the fact that you've kept up with it AND have a baby means you should get an award or something! lol

  14. I love the fact that you're still blogging! I know that it has to be tough with Jack, but the typing one handed is definitely a great skill to have!

  15. You have done amazing things keeping up with the blog–it's impressive. My best friend just had her baby in December and showering is a huge thing for her. Seriously -mama's are saints.

  16. So many amazing changes! Savoring my cup of coffee each morning is one of my favorite things as well. But you can't beat blogging with one hand, and snuggling a baby in the other <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. I've been so shocked by how well you have kept up your blog, not because I personally doubted you but because I know my blog would probably fall apart if I had a baby to take care of! You're doing amazing beautiful girl! Love this sweet family photo too!

  18. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like they were just born, but you've had them forever. I'm still on my first cup of coffee at 2:30 pm, that has been reheated 4 times. And I'm writing this comment (and my blog post this morning) while wearing my daughter wrapped up on me and bouncing on a yoga ball. LOL I love seeing I'm not the only one!

  19. Stang & Co. says:

    ok your little man is just beautiful! and congrats on surviving month #1! I feel like that is really where I started to turn a corner and the nights got a little bit less exhausting and scary πŸ˜‰ you got this mama!

  20. You've done such an amazing job keeping up with your blog! Love the photo of the three of you-so adorable!

  21. Erin LFF says:

    You are doing great girlfriend!! When you did your first month with Jack recap I was impressed with how many outings you went on in those first few weeks. Rockstar!!! πŸ™‚

  22. you have been killing it on this blog WHILE being an amazing mom!

  23. ahhh so cute and so exciting for you as a first time mama!! My first is due in August and I am nervous but so excited for what life changes will happen. Looks like you are transitioning perfectly πŸ™‚

    xo Candace

  24. Isn't it strange when it feels like something happened just yesterday but also feels like it's been forever? That always weirds me out.

    I love that you don't care what people think! Your 'BYEEE' cracked me up. I don't blame you, I'd be keeping that baby away from strangers too!

  25. Kat says:

    Love this! Definitely sounds like motherhood is agreeing with you. πŸ™‚


  26. I like this:) I found I was really good at bathing two kids under two at the same time with one hand for each kids, making dinner while nursing, I think I'm basically the QUEEN of multi-tasking. My husband and I also cheers each year on their birthdays for keeping them alive another year…which is hard sometimes!

  27. All of the yes's!!! Time is so funky. I just cannot even remember a time without my Little. But … I feel like delivering her couldve been yesterday! You are rockin' mamahood!!!!!

  28. You're rocking it, lady! This picture is so sweet.

  29. nelle monaco says:

    i love this!! and totally agree πŸ™‚ esp. with the last one

  30. Jackie says:

    We're expecting our little baby boy in a few months and I am so excited. I haven't had a cup of coffee in a loooong time so that is something I am looking forward to, aside from being a mommy lol πŸ™‚

  31. You're doing great, "momma!" πŸ™‚ And especially with keeping up with your blog– who knew you were typing one handed?!

  32. Caitlin M. says:

    Such a great post and what a beautiful picture! Enjoy every moment and continue totally rocking it!

    xx, Caitlin

  33. Katie Adams says:

    Chugging the first cup of coffee is so necessary!!! I still do that even with an almost four month old. πŸ™‚

  34. Sometimes I am still working on these things. My coffee is always lukewarm and sipped on throughout the first half of the day. Unless I happen to be in the car and everyone is strapped down. Then I can finish a coffee in one sitting.

  35. I don't even have a baby and I'm so bad about drinking my coffee when it's hot the first time. I carry it around with me all morning and end up misplacing it when I'm 3/4 of the way finished!

  36. 17 Perth says:

    Haha! It's so true about the coffee and about not caring what other people think. Most days I love the house and realized I haven't even looked at myself. Lol.

  37. 17% is way better than 100% haha. that's awesome girl! i don't drink coffee so at least that part of motherhood should be okay for me, right? haha πŸ™‚ congrats again!

  38. Morgan Kirk says:

    I love that you have continued to blog and so admire that you still are! And yes, choose sleep!

  39. Love this post!! Congrats!! Like he's been hanging out with you forever….LOVE!! So glad to have found your blog!!

  40. YES LADY!! Love this–and I'm with you on the reheated coffee thing–I'm okay with it, as long as I've had one fresh cup!

  41. Erin Zauner says:

    I think the cold coffee thing is a universality of motherhood. literally, we all get used to reheated coffee after a while…I need to learn how to drink my first cup faster!

  42. There is great, wonderful, fabulous freedom in not caring what others think. Not only will that serve you well as a woman and a person, but as a Mom as well! Everyone wants to tell moms what to do. You already know.

    You were awesome at keeping up with your blog through your pregnancy and I'm really impressed with how you've run it since Jack arrived as well. You go girl!

  43. Great words of advice and outlook on life. I drink my coffee and eat my food in seconds it seems. I never got the hang out typing with one hand though. I would blog when my girls slept. It was tough. And awesome that you don't care what anyone thinks. That is the perfect attitude!!!

  44. I rarely drink hot coffee anymore. Due to often drinking coffee on my "10" breaks at work, I opt for iced as I can chug it much faster!

  45. Rachel Emily says:

    I've been super impressed with how you've been keeping up with the blog, too! Go girl!!

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