28 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

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  1. Time is absolutely flying! I completely agree – every baby needs some fox footie pj's lol!

  2. Awww I love your updates!!! And I laughed out loud about the thought of a group of pregnant women knocking down the doors of Target about their registries–thank goodness it was fixed before your shower!

    Lauren 🙂

  3. Oh, I loved buying those first baby outfits, it made it all so real! I kept so many of this baby clothes, too, they are so sentimental. I'll never let them go! P.S. Glad your family is back together again! We have done a lot of those separations and they are awful, no matter how self sufficient we are;)

  4. Jen Weaver says:

    My hubby was out of the country for work for a few months during my 1st/2nd trimester and it was no fun to be pregnant alone! I mean, we can do it and all, but doesn't mean it's fun to do. 🙂 Glad Christopher is home!

  5. Glad his is back home so he can experience all the new changes with you.

  6. So happy Chris is back with you! I was on a spontaneous little adventure this weekend and I saw the cutest hand knitted baby fox outfit and immediately thought of your sweet baby!

  7. Awe glad Chris is back home, two months is a long time to be separated! Good luck on your glucose test, not fun.

  8. You two are the cutest. 🙂 So glad he's back!

  9. Rachel says:

    The time will fly by so fast!

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