& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

At the start of every month, I share a monthly to-do list called Spending Your Month. It’s my way of remembering that we get to spend our lives. One thing I keep hearing about having a baby is that “The days are long, but the years fly by.” I can’t help but think this is true […]


Remember: You are Spending Your Life.

Fall is the time to get outside and enjoy the weather, of course, but it’s also the time to cozy up with some coffee and watch some good movies. These are my favorite shows and movies that remind me of fall, and they’re almost all on Netflix.  You’re welcome.  via Friday Night Lights. The quintessential […]


TV Shows & Movies to Get You in the Mood for Fall.

We’ve now reached the point where there’s just no hiding this baby bump. Gone are the days of my entire closet being an option–a snug option, sure, but still an option. This baby is bumped out and he is staying.  He loves pumpkin. So obviously, he takes after me. I’ve been drinking pumpkin coffee every morning, and […]


23 Weeks: Things I Want to Remember.

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