A (Tiny Little) Ginormous Plot Twist.

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  1. Congrats!!!!! =) Wiiiiii!

  2. Aaah yay! congratulations. But that was a BRILLIANT way to share it. Can't stop laughing xx

  3. wow! SO AWESOME! Congrats girl!

  4. Congratulations! I love that you spend $98 on tests, in denial! Haha. Can't wait to read about how you told everyone!

  5. EEEEE!!! Congratulations!!! I love this news! You are going to be such a lovely mother.

  6. Kim Matheson says:

    Awh! That's wonderful. Congratulations! 🙂

  7. Rachel Gault says:

    Congrats, so exciting!!

  8. I love you for this real post. Life is definitely an adventure and can't wait to read more about yours, friend. Congratulations!

  9. What an absolutely fabulous surprise! Congrats!!

  10. Haha. Love this. Congratulations!!

  11. MakeMeUpMia says:

    Oh my gosh girl, how exciting!!! So happy for you guys, and I think it's awesome it wasn't planned. Big adventure for sure 🙂 Can't wait to read more and how you told him!

  12. Congratulations!!

  13. Erica says:

    Chelsea!!!!! SO AWESOME!! Congratulations!! This story is the BEST and sounds sooooo much like my thought process the day I found out I was pregnant with Hadley. She was NOT planned either (I did a post about it!), and in hindsight everything worked out beautifully and just the way it should! What an amazing adventure you have ahead of you! There's really no "right" time to have a baby anyway, right?! 😉 Ah I'm so pumped for you guys! Hooray!

  14. Congratulations!! Such a fun adventure headed your way!

  15. Irene says:

    Congrats!!! Hope you're having a good pregnancy and all the best for his new adventure 🙂

  16. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! My sister also bought lots of tests. She was so happy she couldn't fathom the test being wrong. 🙂 All the best in this new adventure! :)) What a joy!

  17. Plot Twist! I love it! Congratulations on this wonderful ride known as "pregnancy"! Wishing you an easy pregnancy and I can't wait to follow along! 🙂 PS – I love your writing style for this post. It was cute and funny and totally, totally relate-able!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Congrats! Love the news and the picture! The pup looking at the sonogram is TOOO cute!

  19. mrs. hasson says:

    Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I wish you the best with your little plot twist!

    Oh, and Chick-fil-a is always my response to change too- the milkshakes in particular.

  20. Amanda G. says:

    So exciting! This post was fantastic! Congrats!

  21. Sarah Tucker says:

    Congrats!!! That's one heck of a blessing sized plot twist!!

  22. Pamela says:

    aww cute picture!! Congrats!

  23. Hahaha, this story was great to read. You're a rockstar. Congrats!

  24. Nadine Lynn says:

    Congrats!!! Can't wait to hear how you told him 🙂

  25. awww, love the cute photo & congratulations!!!

  26. Congratulations!! That's such exciting news! Pregnancy is the absolute best! 🙂

  27. I adore that photo.

    Congratulations to you guys!!

  28. Kimmi says:

    Congratulations! It's funny the same thing happened to me only it was a Wednesday evening! And I only took three test but they all turned positive within the first few seconds so I was pretty sure! What an exciting adventure you're about to have!

  29. I am so excited for you I can't even articulate it properly! Congratulations! I love the narrative you used to reveal your announcement as well. You're going to be an amazing amazing mom, I know it (:

  30. Caitlin B. says:

    Wahoo! Congrats – how wonderful 🙂

  31. I'm so happy for both of you! I can't wait to hear more about this plot twist!

  32. Kathleen says:

    Such exciting news!! Congrats!! 🙂 SO happy for you!

  33. Plot twist! Auguri, Chelsea!

  34. Susannah says:

    <3<3<3 Congratulations, dear girl! A baby is the best plot twist. 😉

  35. Hannah says:

    Wow congratulations that is SO exciting!!!!

  36. we spent $75 on tests. no shame.

  37. Ah surprise babies are the best kind of babies in my opinion! You have no idea the love, fun, and tears you're going to experience. Congrats to you all!

  38. I think I would fall in the floor and throw up too. While we're not "trying" per say, I wouldn't be shocked, but I would also have a huge range of mixed feelings like I'm sure you had! Congratulations to you two, this should be a really exciting and crazy new adventure.

  39. i love reading this story and how candid you were- some things in life aren't planned but i have a feeling this might be the best unplanned thing yet!

  40. Lena Elise says:

    This is so exciting. I love how honest you are about life. High fives for being real blog posts! Sending lots of love your way!

  41. Wow! Congratulations! Just imagine all the funny posts you'll have now 🙂 Awesome.

  42. Elizabeth says:

    Yay!!!! Congrats! Chick Fil A…the ultimate celebration.

  43. Britt Hanson says:

    Oh my goodness, congrats!!! I can't imagine finding out your pregnant when you weren't expecting it… How crazy! It will be such a fun adventure for you guys though 🙂

  44. Chelsea!!! HOW EXCITING!!! What an absolutely wonderful surprise! 🙂 I love reading your posts – you never fail to make me laugh or smile and I loved when you mentioned about chic-fil-a! hahaha!! But seriously, congratulations!!
    🙂 Rebecca

  45. Congrats!! That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you! 🙂

  46. Congrats! So exciting!!

  47. Heather says:

    I got all teary eyed when you said he canceled plans and took you chick-fil-a, lol! What great news!!

  48. Congrats on your amazing plot twist!! 🙂 Those kind are the best! Just saying 🙂

  49. Ahhhh CONGRATS gurlie!! Love this plot twist, your announcement is too cute! Can't wait to hear more about your journey with baby Jacobs 😀

  50. COngrats!! What a wonderful surprise! The pic announcement is adorable.

  51. Congratulations! What wonderful news! Let the fun begin! 🙂

  52. Congratulations! 🙂 Also, this is seriously the best written announcement I have ever read. Can't wait to read more about your little plot twist! 🙂

  53. Dang, pregnancy tests are expensive! But congratulations on your little plot twist! You made your announcement post very engaging and funny – so if you share more on the blog I can't wait to read them.

  54. Oh my goodness, I am so excited for you and your little family! Congratulations!!!!!!!

  55. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh I'm SO excited for you guys!!! Hilarious that you bought so many tests but I would imagine I would have done the same 😉 Congratulations, lady!!

  56. Oh my goodness!! Fabulous news, for! Congratulations!! 🙂 xo

  57. Crystal says:

    Congratulations!!! I love your announcement photos and this is the best pregnancy announcement post that I've read! I'm looking forward to reading more about your adventure! 🙂

  58. Iv been looking forward to you blogging about this! So fun! What a crazy surprise!

  59. Ahhh, so exciting!! Plot twists are what life is made of, aren't they? $98 – that's hilarious. See you were smarter than me because I took one and then a few days later at work, I freaked myself out thinking it was a false positive and I was devastated. {It turned out that it was a real positive but I was finding ways to stress myself out, apparently.} Boobs were the first thing I noticed too. How have you been feeling?

  60. Woohoo!! So exciting!! Congrats to you!!

  61. Kate says:


  62. ahhhhhhhh! so exciting (and totally shocking). i would have bought all the same tests. that's nutso but well done looking at it as a plot twist and how exciting for you both!!!!!

  63. Nikki says:

    What you are describing is exactly how I picture my "when I got pregnant" story except I'd be eating lots and lots of Chipotle. Well I know it was unexpected – but I guess God gives us what he knows we can handle. I'm sure you'll have LOTS of exciting updates to share. Congratulations!
    Nikki at http://www.bedazzlesafterdark.com

  64. Oh my goodness, CONGRATS! That is so exciting. The plethora of pregnancy tests was totally me when I was pregnant with my oldest son. I thought – well, maybe this is wrong, I should do more to be sure. I was a nervous wreck. But as a woman who always said she never wanted kids, I can absolutely say that being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 🙂 Hugs!

  65. Oh my gosh, this is so exciting! So happy for you! I know that even though this is unexpected, you will rock it and be the BEST mama ever..let me know if you need anything!

  66. P!nky says:

    Oh my goodness, lady, CONGRATS!!!!!! So I have to admit, your story sounds like what our story might be one day. I've heard baby surprises are the best surprises!!!

  67. Oh my gosh so exciting!

    Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

  68. Jenna Grace says:

    I loved this! So real and too funny. I'm so excited for you… And I've heard the excitment grows as you start coming to terms with the crazy news, but I don't blame you for slightly freaking out…this is probably a similar reaction to what mine will be one day haha. You're going to be a great, fun mom!

  69. Margaret says:

    Congratulations lady!!! Also Netflix and mac and cheese seems like a totally normal reaction to something like this!! So exciting though 🙂

  70. Erin LFF says:

    Oh my goodness, Congratulations my friend!!!!! 🙂 What a blessing!

  71. Vicki says:

    Congratulations!! I'm sure it was a shock but also so exciting! 🙂

  72. Congratulations – so exciting!! Your story made me laugh – I feel like the same scenario would play out if I were in your shoes.


  73. Brooke says:

    Congrats!! So excited and happy for both of you 🙂 I buy a pregnancy test almost every month because I can't take birth control and I'm always convinced I'm pregnant haha

  74. Abby Barstow says:

    Aw congratulations Chelsea! I'm so glad I popped over to your blog after you commented on mine! My husband and I were trying when I got pregnant with William but that didn't make it any more shocking! ha. After getting the positive test I went to work and after I got off I went to the store and bought a really expensive one that approximated how far along you were. Because I wanted to be 100% sure and I wanted to know how far along I was. Ha. And since having William there have been so many times where I thought I was pregnant and was so sure but I'd take a test only to find that everything going on was because of postpartum hormones.

    When are you due??

  75. It always cracks me up when women buy all the pregnancy tests. I guess I just took my first one for what it was. POSITIVE!

    Congrats! What a cute picture.

  76. Kelly Louise says:

    legit I would have done the same thing… buy ALL the tests! hey, 10 out of 11 COULD be wrong. haha
    congratulations, this was one of the best announcements ever! also, your pup is so cute in that pic looking up at you like "my new friend is in there!!!"

  77. Steph G says:

    I love the way you write about this. I have to believe I would have a similar reaction. Congrats to you and your expanding family!

  78. I'm so late to the game in reading this (so glad you included it in the 2015 recap!!), but OMG!!! How exciting to be ACTUALLY so surprised. (And pregnancy tests are SO EXPENSIVE…WHY???) I took one out of impatience because we had "sorttt offff" used protection that month but my period was supposed to come in a few days and I didn't want to wait to find out if it would come or not.

    TMI, new friend? Se la vie. 🙂 What an exciting post!!!!!

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