Oh Hey, Friday! 5 Reasons I’m Happy to be Alive This Week.

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  1. P!nky says:

    Wooohoooo for a free weekend! enjoy it, lady!

  2. HECK YES to free weekends!

  3. Anonymous says:

    It has been so crisp in the mornings and I love it!
    Seriously though… us Florida girls wanna be all white-girl-psl-obsessed-with-uggs. HAHAHAHA

  4. I'm feeling especially happy today too! Yay for a full weekend off, you deserve it (:

  5. I always say I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo, but then I never even start my novel. Maybe this year will be THE year I actually stick to what I say ๐Ÿ™‚

    The mornings/nights here in Houston are getting cooler too. I'm not a big fan of the cold, but I do like having an excuse to wear high socks around my house!

  6. I'm happy to be alive because it has rained for the past 8 days. Now the weather is cooler and everything is greener. I love it!

  7. Free weekends plus pumpkin spice creamer equals good times! Enjoy!

  8. Stephanie says:

    Right? All the good creamers are holiday related! I'm not a pumpkin lover, but there's always good peppermint ones for christmas. LOVE.

  9. You cannot beat the Oct – Dec creamers. You have to go for it.

  10. Girl Brooks says:

    Soak up that free weekend! Can't wait to see where your inspiration leads you.

  11. Tara Illy says:

    Enjoy this weekend of no plans + deadlines dear! You deserve it!

  12. Yelle says:

    yes! this morning in florida was particularly gorgeous out! cool breeze and sunny skies. xo

  13. April Lynn says:

    what is with these stores?! I haven't been able to find the pumpkin spice creamer except for Aldi brand!

  14. MakeMeUpMia says:

    Yay enjoy your weekend off!!

  15. Off weekends are the best! Enjoy every bit of it!!

  16. Nadine Lynn says:

    Enjoy your off weekend! Sounds fabulous!

  17. I'm starting to wonderโ€ฆWHO hoards the creamer so the rest of us can't find any??!!

  18. I read a story the other day about some lady buying 52 weeks worth of Keurig Pumpkin Spice Lattes so she could have them year round. That lady and I should be friends.

  19. V Mozzer says:

    So Autumn has finally reached Florida? Yay for you! I love it when the air gets cool and crisp. I'm so over the humidity. Roll on dry cool weather!! ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚

    I'm happy to be alive because I have so many things to be grateful for every single day. One of which is traveling. I love going on new adventures and our next one is coming up soon!

    Have a great weekend.


  20. Elena Ridley says:

    I still haven't been able to kick the creamer! I can understand why you gave into the pumpkin spice! Gotta have it during the fall!

  21. You're doing NaNoWriMo toooooo????? Yay!!!!!!

  22. Yes!! You are an inspiration- love this. Enjoy your weekend and my first weekend off in awhile too!

  23. Hannah says:

    Enjoy your free weekend! I live in a cold/dry climate so it has been really cooling off this fall and it has been lovely. Hopefully Florida will cool down a bit more for you as well!

  24. I love these weekends off and these cooler temps!

  25. I hope you've enjoyed your restful weekend! I'm so excited to have one like that next weekend. Especially after two weekends in a row of traveling!

  26. Crystal says:

    NaNo! I have a goal to write 50,000 words in November, but they're for novels that I have already started, so I'm not participating in NaNo, I'm just setting the same word count goal. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  27. jackie jade says:

    jealous of your weekend off – i'm hoping my next weekend is finally more lowkey!

  28. Pumpkin spice creamer?! That sounds amazing!

  29. I totally do the creamer fast and then say to myself, "Why would you do this to yourself????" It's like the cornerstone to my weight control dreams or the dairy-less super-Dr. Oz life or something. HA!

  30. Hope you enjoyed your weekend of being truly off!

  31. Yay!! Hope your weekend off was great! If you could send some of that warmth up to Boston, that would be great!

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