& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

1. After today, Chris is off for an entire week! When he normally only takes an hour or two off every day, a whole week feels like an eternity.  I am so excited! 2. I found the picture I was talking about in this post.  so tiny and snuggly! 3. The new Pretty Lovely Littles goodies will be out […]


H A P P Y F R I D A Y : vacation + new blogs.

I was so excited when we got Gatsby in November, I never blogged about how we got Gatsby.  Since my husband was 100% team no-puppy-ever, I bring you.. SIX STEPS TO CONVINCE YOUR HUSBAND YOU NEED A PUPPY. Step One: Ask for a puppy every single day.  I started asking for a puppy the day after […]


How To: Convince Your Husband To Buy You a Puppy.

Stranger Things and Back to School Mantras.

Falling in love.  Laughing at absolutely everything.  Celebrating friendships.  Trying new things.  Rooftop selfies. Entirely too many pictures. Putting off your entire weekend to-do list until Monday, where it belongs. Re-watching your favorite episodes of old shows. Making mistakes and laughing at yourself.  Spending all day laying by the pool.  Coffee.  A lot of it.  […]



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