Happy to Be Alive, Because: Cinco de Mayo & Dogs Reading.

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  1. Congratulations on publishing your first book and so young!! I found you on holly's comment hop.

  2. oh my gosh congratulations on your first book being on kindle!
    such a huge accomplishment šŸ™‚

  3. Kerri Taylor says:

    Great list if you ask moi! And those flowers – i love! May have to copy šŸ™‚

  4. Anonymous says:

    The dog reading your book is awesome, happy May!!

  5. Miss Angie says:

    You're adorable, and those are all great reasons to be alive!

  6. Love this idea! That dog photo made me smile. It's spring, the sun is out, and all the trees are in bloom in the park.Jen @ YA Romantics

  7. Can't wait to check out your book glad it's on Kindle!

  8. Oh Kindle! You are so official!!! Love horse-dogs. Chris' parents have a Burmese Mountain Dog and he's huge. I love to sit on the floor and hug him. What is your husband's board exam???? I took board exams for becoming an acupuncturist and YES, the sky opened after they were over. Congrats! Life is going to be SO much more fun!!! XO

  9. Anonymous says:

    I bought your book on Kindle! Hoping to get a chance to read it soon!!

  10. Oh your bun wraps are precious! Also congrats to your husband – I know what that's like. Enjoy your time together!

  11. Amanda G. says:

    Definitely downloaded your book from kindle and read it this weekend! Amazing! šŸ™‚

  12. Kelly says:

    Congratulations on all of your book success!

  13. Just found your blog and I'm so happy I did. Can't wait to follow along as you work towards being a full-time author.

    Happy Monday!

  14. Such a great hair look for summer!

  15. Ember Grey. says:

    oh my gosh, that picture of the dog is hilarious!!! So cute. The bun wrap is adorable!!!!! If my hair were just a bit longer I could rock this look. Maybe next year šŸ˜‰

  16. jackie jade says:

    what a super cute doggie šŸ™‚ and love your bun wrap too – what a cute idea!

  17. Yay for your book being available on Kindle!

  18. The picture with the dog and your book , adorable! And yay for Cinco de Mayo (even if I am a day late). And LOVE that bun wrap, amazing! And ofcourse everyone looks prettier with flowers in their hair!

  19. I'm getting your book soon, I'm so psyched!

  20. Love your bun wrap, so pretty and girly! Also, yes to (almost) Summer and your book on Kindle. Ordering SOON!

  21. Wow, I'm just so excited for you about your book! I can't wait to check it out. What a blessing! Happy May!

  22. Obsessed with your bun wraps! I want them and I don't even wear my hair in a bun like ever (so I should probably start).

  23. I am in love with those bun wraps! Cute idea!

  24. Mitha Komala says:

    i love your bun wrap! the accessory is gorgeous <3

    Letters To Juliet

  25. Loving those bun wraps!! Definitely that perfect accessory for summer!!
    xo TJ


  26. Those bun wraps are so cute!

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog šŸ™‚


    Afternoon Style

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