& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

Please forgive the sarcastic tone in which this post is worded.  Or don’t.  It’s all in good fun.  But that doesn’t mean it’s not true.  As someone who has friends and family in several different locations, I really do love social media.  But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few phrases that make me […]


The internet brings out the worst in people.

Happy Friday!  This week, I’m thankful for:  1.  Dunkin’ Donuts Blueberry muffin coffee.  My house smells like a blueberry muffin right now, and it’s pretty amazing.   2.  The fact that this is what blogging looks like this morning:  My little buddy.  Also,  yesterday a lot of you asked me what kind dog he is. […]


Thankful Fridays: Hobby Lobby & Blueberry Muffins.

My house is so incredibly messy. I know we’re supposed to put our best face forward in blogland, where other people will read about our lives, but my house is really, really messy. I have craft stuff from my shop sprawled out in at least three rooms, there are at least three loads of dishes […]


Because Laundry Can Wait.

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