& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

I’ve been guilty, I think, of watching for a big moment.  Waiting for a “big” moment.  Overlooking all of the little moments in hopes that a better one will come, full of magic and wonder and success. This is what I’m learning. All of the little moments that are happening while I’m so stupidly waiting […]


Magic moments.

This Summer, I adventured.  A lot.   We went on a cruise.  We went on lots of Universal dates.  We went to Italy.  Just kidding.  But we went to Orlando’s version of Italy, and for the weekend, it was almost just as good. I got to have lots of date nights with this guy.  I […]


This Summer.

So, when you get married, a lot of great things happen.  But some not so amazing things happen too.  Like, your family takes awesome vacations without you, and you get to sit at home and be depressed because they are having an amazing time and you are at home watching top model and drowning your […]


Life lessons.

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