& celebrate all the good

A place we can be real about the hard stuff

Welcome to the Blog

t w e n t y – f i v e  Happy birthday to the love of my life! Your twenty-fourth year was a big one. The last six months alone have been insane. We have:  had a baby.  gone through match day.  gone through the house hunting and house buying process.  made it to […]


Happy Birthday, My Love

23 years ago today, my favorite human being was born.  Happy birthday to my babe! 1.  I have someone to take these types of pictures with: And these types of pictures with:  2.  I get to wake up and see my best friend every morning.  Cliche?  Duh.  Absolutely true?  You bet.  And he brings me […]


Happy to be Alive, Because: You’re Mine For Life.

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