For today: Hair, food, and life!
Meh. Mine was obviously messier, which I didn’t mind, but it took so many bobby pins, then I went to take a picture and saw that all you could see were bobby pins, and then when I took them out/tried to hide them better, it kind of just fell apart. I really like it and will definitely try it again!
Worth the try? Yes, but try it out when you don’t have anywhere to be so you can gauge just how many bobby pins you need.
Mine: Oh my goodness, I loved this. It was so delicious. We had some friends over for dinner so I didn’t make them wait while I took pictures (blogger fail, I KNOW), but it was so delicious. I messed up on the first piece of chicken by hammering too thin and making it kind of fall apart, but other than that, it was super easy! I’ll definitely be making this one again!
Worth the try? Absolutely yes. Go to the store on your way home and make this for dinner tonight! It was so delicious, and definitely looks like you slaved for hours over dinner when we both know…you didn’t.
The page linked to the original source for this idea doesn’t work anymore, BUT it seems pretty simple: Put a command hook on the back of a high chair and hang bibs there.
This was one of those, why the heck haven’t I done this already? things. I have to walk to Jack’s room and get in his dresser before every one of his meals, which are always in the kitchen. So it obviously makes sense to keep his bibs in there since he pretty much only wears them when he’s eating food now.
His high chair has a weird back and there was nowhere for the hook to go, so I put it in the cabinet where I keep his food. It’s a genius hack!
Worth the try? YES. If you have a baby, save yourself a little time by doing this!
Have any Pinterest tutorials you’ve been wanting to try but haven’t had the time? Send them my way!