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  1. Caitlin says:

    That is so awesome! šŸ™‚ You should go for it in confidence! God blessed you with the glorious gift of being able to portray, explain, and give feeling through words on paper! Use it! šŸ™‚ Also, look into Bumblebee House Ink for publishing! They're great!


  2. Jennifer says:

    Wow! Such a thoughtful, honest, inspiring post. Write away! Give this manuscript 110%. You'll be so proud of yourself.

  3. Kari says:

    This post really hit home for me. It was like reading an excerpt from my journal. I dream of writing, too, but even me typing that was hard to do. It's so difficult to put your dreams out there, so I applaud you! You can do anything you dream of. Don't ever let the world take away that tenacity and that spirit to strive for what you want. Thank you for your words and sharing your dreams. You are awesome! Thank you also for following my blog:) I'm so glad you did, because when I clicked on your blog I was immediately smitten and can't wait to read more of your writing!

  4. emi says:

    what an exciting goal! i believe you can do it, especially because you are putting it in writing and staying accountable! love your darling blog! good luck with the goal! XO
    the well-traveled wife

  5. Best of luck on finishing your manuscript! you have a great dream and you're right, we shouldn't be afraid of aspiring for greatness, God has given us dreams because He wants us to achieve great things. You are young and talented, and with perseverance, you can be what you want to be. You just inspired me with this post. šŸ™‚

  6. christina says:

    2 tim … my favorite scripture! way to follow your dreams!!

  7. kristyn says:

    Chelsea, I too am a writer and have always struggled with the way others view my dream. It's taken a long time for me to proudly proclaim writing as a gift from God rather than something to be afraid to follow. So glad you are chasing after the love God has set in your heart šŸ™‚ Good luck with your book! I finished one a few years ago, and the result is worth all of the hard work–don't give up! šŸ™‚

    grace & love,

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