you are enough.

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  1. This was written so beautifully.

    "Because you are enough. And when you don't believe that, you do the one who created you a major disservice." — That hit me. It's so true.

    I'm glad I ran into your blog. It's lovely.

    xo, Charlene

  2. M+K says:

    we've just discovered your blog and love your posts! You have such a way with words. Keep up the great work hun

  3. *LO* says:

    this is a wonderful post. love this one.

  4. I often find myself caught up in the "more this," and "more that." One thing that always brightens up my perspective is when I think about who I was even only five years ago versus who I am today. I like myself much better today than I did back then. That means I've made some progress! Makes me feel good to think about that.
    I also like to find one constant in my life, one good choice that I've made and bring up the memory whenever I'm feeling down. It's a reminder that even if I'm not "more this," or "more that," at least I've got one thing right!

    Sue //Ā Chevron & Lace

  5. Abby Talsma says:

    Yes! So important for us to hear over and over again, until we actually let this truth be our truth.

  6. great post! Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  7. This is beautiful! Thanks for finding me so that I could find you. šŸ™‚

  8. Naa Okang says:

    I just read found your blog nd its amazing!!!! wonderful post

  9. Ally says:

    I just stumbled on your blog today and absolutely love this post. We need to hear this more often; thank you for the encouragement! Looking forward to following along with you šŸ™‚


  10. Suzzie Vehrs says:

    wow this is beautifully said. definitely sharing this because every girl needs to know.

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